Gender Diversity in Decision-Making: Driving Force behind Successful Companies


Event link: language: EnglishJoin us for the first Women on Boards Adria Talks — an empowering online discussion on gender diversity in decision-making with our gender diversity champions and distinguished experts Biljana Braithwaite, CEO of Sustineri Partners and Chair of Women on Boards Adria; Zeynep Yalin Uzun, Executive Board Member of European Women on […]

Inclusive energy sector: The role of women leaders in advancing the clean energy transition

Online, via Zoom

Event link: Working language: English Join the Women on Boards Adria webinar on women leaders driving the clean energy transition! The energy sector has historically been male-dominated, and with reasons. In addition to the societal norms that steered women away from education in STEM fields, traditional energy industries have been perceived as physically demanding. […]