Gender Diversity in Decision-Making: Driving Force behind Successful Companies
Event link: https://zoom.us/j/94066251871?pwd=UXZnMTJoRzUraVlybEpjdUVoSHFFdz09
Working language: English
Join us for the first Women on Boards Adria Talks — an empowering online discussion on gender diversity in decision-making with our gender diversity champions and distinguished experts Biljana Braithwaite, CEO of Sustineri Partners and Chair of Women on Boards Adria; Zeynep Yalin Uzun, Executive Board Member of European Women on Boards and Member of the WOBA Advisory Board; and Sanela Pašić, Member of Supervisory Boards & WOBA Ambassador and Lead for Bosnia and Herzegovina.
➜ Collaboration between businesses and policymakers for comprehensive and impactful legal framework.
➜ Significance of quotas/targets and success stories from the European Union’s Women on Boards Directive and European Women On Boards.
➜ Skills women bring to boardrooms, especially during challenging times and crises.
➜ Effective strategies to overcome challenges faced by women in the business.
➜ Involvement of governments, companies, and civil societies for increasing gender diversity in executive and non-executive leadership in Adria region, and beyond.
We have prepared exclusive announcements from the Women on Boards Adria Programme for all attendees!