Biljana Braithwaite WOBA Chair Diverse and inclusive leadership not only boosts financial performance but also strengthens a company’s reputation, inspires investor confidence, and cultivates meaningful stakeholder engagement. Together with our partners,...

Zeynep Yalim Uzun Executive Board Member at EWOB I truly believe that having a gender balanced Board and C Level helps companies to make better decisions and therefore strengthens market performance. Diversity of perspectives and experiences both genders bring to...

Lada Buševac Head of IFC Office in Brussels Inclusive leadership and decision-making in companies are of crucial importance for modern societies. It is not only a social and moral imperative, but also an economic need. Women, who represent about half of the global...

Marko Čadež President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia The main issue we are dealing with is the lack of understanding of the important role women play in business. To address this, we must engage with governments and companies, and help them work...