One year of Women on Boards Adria


One year ago, at the ESG Adria Summit, Women on Boards Adria (WOBA) was born, marking the beginning of its regional journey to promote gender equality, remove barriers to boardrooms for women, and support their career path to senior management positions in the Adria region.

At this year’s ESG Adria Summit, the great progress of WOBA was celebrated. The Women on Boards Adria event allowed for an interesting discussion on strategies for advancing empowerment, gender equality, inclusivity, and diversity. The event was organised jointly with the AIRE Centre’s Western Balkans Programme, a renowned organisation that collaborates with judiciaries across the region to combat gender-based discrimination and violence.

At the event, Biljana Braithwaite, Chair of Women on Boards Adria, led the fireside chat with Dr. Anino Emuwa, Managing Director of Avandis Consulting and founder of 100 Women @ Davos, and Robert Spano, Partner at Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP and Former President of the European Court of Human Rights. They discussed gender equality, women’s empowerment, the challenges women face in their careers and society, and strategies to increase the representation of women in corporate boardrooms.

Over the past year, WOBA has pushed boundaries to create a more inclusive and gender-diverse business environment.

This association has extended its reach across eight countries of the region and beyond, focusing its activities on Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Slovenia, and Serbia. WOBA has established a strong network of 40 leaders and ambassadors dedicated to championing its cause, and has partnered with 14 companies and institutions that support its initiatives.

Through three in-person events, as well as multiple webinars and mentorship workshops, WOBA have provided valuable space for knowledge-sharing and support for women in business. The impact has been significant, hosting more than 1,000 people at its events, and through its media content, reaching over 300,000 people. 

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From standing out to work-life balance: Career growth insights from Jelena Galić

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From Strategy to Directive: How EU plans to improve gender balance in corporate boards and leadership

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Become a Member of Women on Boards Adria Through Individual Membership

Become a Member of Women on Boards Adria Through Individual Membership

We welcome you to the Women on Boards Adria (WOBA) network of dedicated experts, ready to empower you to excel in your career through training and mentoring provided by accomplished leaders!

Membership is open to individuals who recognise the importance of capacity building for themselves and the organisations they are part of. Through our programmes, we will offer tailored capacity-building, including priority access to webinars and all other online events, resources, networking, and peer discussion, and personal development masterclasses with leaders of different industries.

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Empowering Change: Fostering Female Representation in Adria’s Decision-Making

At Women on Boards Adria (WOBA), we believe that talent, ambition and potential are equitably distributed among all genders. Our region continues to grapple with gender disparities in the business sphere and the missed opportunities for growth and progress that represents. In a world still predominantly influenced by male culture, the gender pay gap and the underrepresentation of women in decision-making roles still persists.