Your communication superpowers: Insights from Vedran Peršić


We had the pleasure to kick off our training sessions with an insightful afternoon with Vedran Peršić, a corporate communication expert with over 20 years of experience spanning various industries. 

With his extensive knowledge and experience Vedran is passionate about empowering people to grow their communication skills to benefit their careers and businesses. Today, he shared his insights at our training session “Effective Communication Skills: Enhancing Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication to Convey Confidence and Credibility in Professional Settings”.

Here are some of the lessons he shared.

Discover your superpower

Vedran began this training by urging participants to identify their unique strengths.

“Begin by asking yourself: What is your superpower? What sets you apart from the rest? Why do you do what you do? Whether we are good listeners, improvisers, agile adapters… key is the continuous reflection on why you do what you do and how your unique skills contribute to both your career and organisation.”

Essence of effective communication

Communication is the number one interpersonal skill to develop for your career growth. 

“The way you communicate, both verbally and non-verbally, defines who you are.” 

Vedran emphasises that every interaction is an opportunity to present your work and goals confidently. Organise your thoughts and ensure you share them clearly. Do not shy away. 

“Our voice, the way we look, and the way we communicate define the majority of the perception people have about us.”

Building connections through communication

Sometimes, people will not engage or work with you if they do not like you. 

“Good communication has a powerful effect on breaking barriers, be they generational, cultural, or otherwise.” 

Vedran stresses that expressing yourself effectively helps others understand your perspectives and options better, leading to mutual respect. 

“Majority of the issues that arise at work are a result of things that are not communicated effectively, or are misinterpreted.”

Overcoming the fear of public speaking

Did you know that fear of public speaking is so common, even more common than the fear of death, spiders, or heights?

But there are ways to overcome it. Vedran shares two key strategies:

  • Visualise success: “Visualise yourself delivering the perfect speech, from getting up in the morning to receiving praise at the end of the day.”
  • Embrace mistakes: “When you make a mistake, just keep going. Bear in mind – it is not an exam. Nobody will be fact-checking you.”

Practical tips for effective communication

Vedran offers several practical tips for enhancing your communication skills:

  • Eye contact: “Maintaining eye contact conveys respect and trust.” 
  • Remember names: “Always make sure you remember people’s names and get them right. This tip alone can take you far and make you stand out as someone who respects others.”
  • Active listening: “Listen. Get to know the people you are talking to, their aspirations, their concerns, and what they want to accomplish. Their reaction gives meaning to communication.”

If you want to join these conversations in the future with other exceptional leaders, become a Women on Boards Adria member! Learn how to join our network here.

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